Friday, July 15, 2011

Can You One Up The One Upper?

Best Blogger Tips

*Disclaimer: My opinions are meant to start discussions.  Not end them.*

     Today I've been dwelling on a certain class of annoying people.  Actually ever since my girlfriends dad bought up a story about his friend who is a one upper, I've been thinking about this.  Only because I've personally met or known a few of these people. Let me start off by asking if you even know what a one upper is.  If you don't, let me quote Urban Dictionary 's definition (since a) it's funny and b) they make it so simple to understand that a dumbass can understand it) a one upper is "An annoying person who responds to hearing someone else's experience or problem by immediately telling a similar story about themselves with a much more fantastic (or terrible) outcome".

     If you still don't get what this kind of personality disorder is I am personally sorry.  Go google the term.  Anyways, back on track.  I've always wondered how this horrible trait in a person even comes to be.  Is it in someone's dna?  Does the person learn it from a parent who does it overtime?  Are they lying?  Just want attention?  Or is the story actually accurate, and they decided to tell the story right after your story so their story (yeah that's right I just said story 3 times in a sentence) doesn't disappear from their thin skulls?  For some reason I'm going to for with the first 50 I suggested opposed to the last one.

     To me the worst are sports fan, because no matter how much you like to think you know about a player or a team, that person seems to miraculously know more.  As if this certain someone studied f*cking knowing that you were going to have a "conversation" on that sports topic.  How about while playing video games, not only is he killing you, but he talks about the ways that he is killing you, and everyone else!  Like he studied the guide before he came over and demolished you.  I'm sure girls are bad in this way too.  Especially when they have a boyfriend.  OMG my boy toy got me this.  OMG my boyfriend got me that.  OMG my boyfriend has lots of money, and we're almost married even though we only been together for 5 hours.

     There are way too many scenarios to talk about on this subject.  Real fast I can't forget to throw a shout out to the public stranger one upper who you have no idea who the person is or that they even existed, and suddenly their chiming in on your conversation.  I'm sure we all just want to slap them, and tell them to go dig a whole and stay in it till they learn to control themselves.  Tell next time people, listen out for one uppers.  Laugh at one uppers.  And slap them around until they get the point that they are annoying as f*ck.  Thank you and good night.

Hope you enjoy my rants!
  Let me know what your opinion is.
  Remember to each their own.

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